Programm 2018
Programm 5. Deutscher Israelkongress
Israel – Nation of Nations
Jerusalem – City of Nations
PROGRAMMHEFT 25.11.2018:
Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner for foreign guests
18:30 – 19:45 Israel Bonds Young Leadership Networking Kick-Off
Meet & Greet with Israel Maimon, President & CEO, Israel Bonds, NY
Leonardo Royal Hotel, „Tower Room“ Bar
Mailänder Str. 1, 60598 Frankfurt am Main
DJ Lev + Special Star Appearance / Concert by Cafe Shahor Hazak
Free Israeli Wine, sponsored by Jordan Valley Council
Open for all – € 10 entrance fee! (Abendkasse / kein Vorverkauf)
20:00 – 23:00 VIP Reception in honor of the 5th German Israel Congress
at the invitation of B’nai Brith Frankfurt Schönstädt Loge
11:00 – 12:30 Official Reception by the City of Frankfurt / Offizieller Empfang der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
13:30 – 15:30 Business Reception
Chamber of Trade and Industry / Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK)
9:00 – 10:30 Everyone getting seated.
Background music Roman Kuperschmidt
10:30 – 11:25 Opening & Welcome
- Moderation: Cherno Jobatey, TV-Moderator
- Sacha Stawski, Direktor ILI – I LIKE ISRAEL e.V., und Maya Zehden, Co-Direktorin ILI – I LIKE ISRAEL e.V., Vizepräsidentin der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft e.V.
- S.E. Jeremy Issacharoff, Botschafter des Staates Israel in Deutschland
- Ralph Alexander Lorz, Kultusminister, Land Hessen
- Uwe Becker, Bürgermeister und Stadtkämmerer der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
- Ran Ichay, Director General, Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage
- VIDEO Greetings:
- Reuven Rivlin, Präsident des Staates Israel
- Dr. Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Benjamin Netanjahu, Ministerpräsident des Staates Israel
11:25 – 11:45 Opening-Speech
- Minister Gilad Erdan, Ministry of Strategic Affairs
11:50 – 11:55 Introduction of Special Guest Miss Iraq – Sarah Idan
- Roi Dvir, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Director Gulf States
- Tamar Morali, First Jewish candidate to become Miss Germany 2018
12:10-12:15 VIDEO Greeting:
- Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, Präsident der Knesset
12:20 – 13:10 Israel helping to make the world into a better place – Recognizing the work of 4 Israeli organizations
- Moderation: Deidre Berger, Director American Jewish Committee, Ramer Institute Berlin
- Gal Lusky, Israel Flying Aid
- Gal Rachman, IsraAID Deutschland
- Col. (Res.) Orly Gal, NATAL
- Yusuf Kadah and Yair Leibel, The International School Of Peace, Lesbos
Challenges that International Organizations face in the international arena of fighting for human rights
- Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
13:30 – 14:20 Opportunities and challenges facing Israel in the international arena
- Moderation: Melody Sucharewicz, Beraterin für politische Kommunikation und Strategie
- Noam Katz, Senior Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Felix Klein, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für jüdisches Leben in Deutschland und den Kampf gegen Antisemitismus
- Tzahi Gavrieli, Director, National Task Force for Countering Delegitimization, Ministry of Strategic Affairs
- Chloé Valdary, American writer and political activist
14:25 – 14:35 VIA LIVE VIDEO CONFERENCE Changing the culture of hatred and seizing opportunities for peace
- Abdelhameed Hakeem, Saudi researcher, Former General Manager of the Jeddah-based Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies
Moderation: Nir Boms, research fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center at Tel Aviv University and at the International Center for Counter Terrorism in Herzliya
- Maj.-Res. Arye Sharuz-Shalicar, Ministry of Intelligence
- Kobi Hubermann, IRI – Israel Regional Initiative
- Matthias Küntzel, Politikwissenschaftler und Publizist
- Gil Murciano, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
- Michael Borchard, Politikwissenschaftler., Hauptabteilungsleiter Wissenschaftliche Dienste/Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
2 Sports Clubs that have boosted youth exchange and the German-Israeli friendship between Germany and Israel
Deutsche Sportjugend und Eintracht Frankfurt
- Laudatio DSJ: Michaela Engelmeier, MdB a.D. , Vizepräs. Landessportbund NRW; Mitglied SPD-Parteivorstand
- Laudatio Eintracht: Philip Holzer, ehemals Vorstand und Co-Chef von Goldman Sachs Deutschland
- Preisverleihung: Sacha Stawski & Maya Zehden, ILI – I LIKE ISRAEL e.V., Veranstalter 5. Deutscher Israelkongress, Imrich Donath, AKIM Deutschland, Gila Lustiger, Schriftstellerin, Tochter von Arno Lustiger [to be confirmed]
- Dankesrede: Jan Holze, 1. Vorsitzender Deutsche Sportjugend, Mitglied des Präsidiums des DOSB
- Dankesrede: Peter Fischer, Präsident von Eintracht Frankfurt
Volker Beck, MdB a.D., interviewing:
- MK Nachman Shai, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Chair of the Israel-Germany Parliamentary Friendship Group [to be confirmed]
- Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, MdB, Vorsitzender der Deutsch-Israelischen Parlamentariergruppe im Deutschen Bundestag
16:25 – 16:45 Würdigung für den Einsatz zur Förderung der deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen und der deutsch-israelischen Städtepartnerschaften / Honorary city partnership & Special friendship prize
Ehrung von Uwe Becker, Bürgermeister und Stadtkämmerer der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
- Laudatio / Award presentation by: S.E. Jeremy Issacharoff, Botschafter des Staates Israel in Deutschland
- Acceptance Speech: Uwe Becker, Bürgermeister und Stadtkämmerer der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
- VIDEO Greeting:
- Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo
Cooperation Partner & Moderation: Andrea Frahm, Founder TechMatch Israel
- Ziv Aviram, Co-Founder & CEO OrCam Technologies, Co-Founder Mobileye
- Israel Maimon, President & CEO, Israel Bonds, NY
17:55 – 18:50 The key to co-existence – Overcoming differences – Reaching out to the next generation
- Moderator: Daniel Pipes, President of the Middle East Forum (MEF)
- Prof. Mohammed Dajani, Palestinian professor and peace activist
- Ahmad Mansour, deutsch-israelischer Psychologe, Islamismus-Experte und Autor
- Marcus Sheff, CEO, Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE)
- Kim Robin Stoller, Director International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA)
18:50 – 19:05 Vorstellung christlicher Initiativen für Israel
- Harald Eckert, 1. Vorsitzender von Christen an der Seite Israels e.V.
19:25 – 19:30 Closing:
- Prayer for the State of Israel by Rabbi Avichai Apel & Rabbi Julian-Chaim Soussan
- Singing of the Hatikva with Cantor Yoni Rose
Die iranische Gefahr – Wie geht es weiter nach dem Ausstieg der USA aus dem Atomabkommen
- Moderation: Michael Spaney, Executive Director des Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin
- Martin Patzelt, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, CDU
- Dr. Stephan Grigat, Politikwissenschaftler Universität Wien, Permanent Fellow Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum Potsdam
- Dr. Adel Feyzi, Vertreter der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistan Iran (PDKI) in Deutschland
Youth, school, education panel:
Overcoming hatred and teaching the next generation
- Moderation: Jörg Rensmann, Programmdirektor MFFB
- Mohammed Dajani, Palestinian teacher
- Dr. Akram Hasson, MK, volunteer president Carmel College [to be confirmed]
- Marcus Sheff, CEO IMPACT-SE
- Deidre Berger, Director American Jewish Committee, Ramer Institute Berlin
Combating BDS in all aspects on campus & in all aspects of life
- Moderation: Benjamin Steinitz, Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus (RIAS)
- Chloé Valdary, American writer and political activist
- Tzahi Gavrieli, Director, National Task Force for Countering Delegitimization, Ministry of Strategic Affairs
- Dr. Felix Klein, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für jüdisches Leben in Deutschland und den Kampf gegen Antisemitismus
- Sebastian Mohr, International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA)
Challenges that International Organizations face in the international arena of fighting for human rights
- Moderation: Oliver Bradley, Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA)
- Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch
- Olga Deutsch, NGO Monitor
- Dr. Asaf Romirowsky, President Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), Fellow Middle East Forum
- Noam Katz, Senior Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israel Working & Being. And YOU!? / DE-IL Identity
Gastgeber: Zeugen der Zeitzeugen (ZdZ) – im Rahmen der Konferenz „Drei Generationen – Ein Ziel“
- Grußwort: Nicola Beer, MdB, Generalsekretärin der FDP
- Moderation: Hannah Schmidt, Bereichsleiterin ZdZ
- Mirna Funk, Journalistin und Autorin
- Pnina Kaufman, leitete deutsch-israelische Austauschprogramme, lebt derzeit in Deutschland
- Shaya und Zipi Harsit, ehemaliger IAF-Offizier; Shoa-Überlebende; ex-EL AL Manager
- David Lüllemann, Bereichsleiter ZdZ
Israel Working & Being. And YOU!? / DE-IL Hightech
Gastgeber: Zeugen der Zeitzeugen (ZdZ) – im Rahmen der Konferenz „Drei Generationen – Ein Ziel“
- Dr. Ansgar Niehoff, Technologie- und Innovationsmanager
- Mali Baum, Fundraising Angel in Berlin
Business Breakout Session / Start-up Nation
Israel Bonds Panel – Developing Israel’s economy
Developing the ecosystem for Innovation by setting the preconditions
- Moderation: Christian Kusulis, Geschäftstellenleiter Deutsch-Israelische Wirtschaftsvereinigung Rhein-Main-Region, Partner der Rechtsanwaltssozietät Graf von Westphalen in Frankfurt
- Israel Maimon, President & CEO, Israel Bonds, NY
- Shay Babad, Managing Director, Ministry of Finance, Israel
- Bettina Stark-Watzinger, MdB, Chairwoman Federal Finance Committe, Board Member Naumann Stiftung, Generalsekretärin der hessischen FDP
Business Talk: Israel – Land of Innovation: Opportunities in Technology Transfer and Research
- Andrea Frahm, Marketing-Expertin & Gründerin TechMatch Israel
- Ziv Aviram, Co-founder President and CEO OrCam Technologies, co-founder Mobileye
- Prof. Dr. Peter Angel, Division Head DKVZ/Coordinator of the
German-Israeli Cooperation in Cancer Research - Ofer Talmor, CEO Alephbot
Grußwort: Jaffa Flohr, Präsidentin JNF-KKL
Israel Bonds Panel – 70 Years of Developing Israel’s Economy – Worldwide Aid and Development assistance
Moderation: Helge Eikelmann, Repräsentant des Israelischen Generalkonsulats
- Shay Babad, Managing Director, Ministry of Finance
- Amb. Victor Harel, Formerly Israel’s ambassador to Belgium and Spain and Inspector General, MFA
- Arnon Perlman, Head of International Operations, Israel Bonds
Joining forces for the betterment of all – learning from one another and joining hands / Challenges on both sides – both internally, as well as in the international arena
- ModeratIion: Moshe Y. Leiter, Major (res.) IAF Special
Forces, VP and Project Manager Veresta-Group - Bassem Eid, Political Analyst, Palestinian human rights activist
- David Elhyani, Head of Jordan Valley Council
Making the world a better place for all – Braking barriers of hatred
- Moderation: Oliver Bradley, Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA)
- Col. (Res.) Orly Gal, NATAL
- Gal Lusky, Israel Flying Aid
- Gal Rachman, IsraAID Deutschland
- Yusuf Kadah and Yair Leibel, The International School Of Peace, Lesbos
How did the startup nation become the nation of social innovation? How can we transform local business into replicable and scalable solutions?
In an era of globalism – countries share social and economic challenges. Mental Health, Social cohesion, employment and social services are mutual challenges for Germany and Israel have tremendous effects on their economic and social resiliently.The panel will host a social and multi-sectorial ROI. They want to discuss the future of the bilateral relations – Social Diplomacy.
- Moderation: Oliver Bradley, Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA)
- Orly Gal, Colonel Reserve, Executive Director of NATAL
- Ophir Peleg, CEO and founder of Social Export Israel
- Jörg Greis, Managing Director of GPE Mainz
Jerusalem – a City of Coexistence, Culture and home to a vivid Start-up scene
- Moderation: Gabriele Appel, Jerusalem Foundation
- Michael Mizrahi, Head of the Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Authority, Azrieli Academic College of Engineering
- Yitzik Crombie, CEO Bizmax
- Avital Blass,Excellenzteam Program Manager, Start up Nation Central
- Sarit Goldstein, Deputy Director General Ministry for Jerusalem & Heritage
Jerusalem – a City of Coexistence, Culture and home to a vivid Start-up scene – Narrowing Socio-Economic Gaps and Demographic Challenges in Jerusalem
- Moderator: Omri Attar, Chief Operations Officer ELNET-Israel
- Ran Ichay, Director General, Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage
- Prof. Mona Khoury-Kassabru, Dean of the School of Social Work and Social Welfare
- Hani Alami, Founder JEST Home Of Entrepreneurs – A Home for the Startup Community of Jerusalem
- Netta Rozenfeld, Program Director, Elka Institute for Leadership
- Yamit Naftali, Head of economic and international research at the Jerusalem Institute for policy research [to be confirmed]
14:45 – 16:00 (English)
Panel with 3 Reservists on Duty (Druze, Christian, Muslim): Daily Challenges of Coexistence
- Yonathan Elkhouri, Minorites Coordinator for Reservists on Duty
- Nizar Jraisi, Activist working to better integrate Christians in Israeli society
- Lorena Khateeb, Israeli Druze
Building bridges through sports – Daily Challenges on the field and in the arenas, as well as in the international sporting associations
Panel Host: Makkabi Deutschland
- Alon Meyer, Präsident von Makkabi Deutschland, Vorsitzender der TuS Makkabi Frankfurt
- Jan Holze, 1. Vorsitzender Deutsche Sportjugend, Mitglied des Präsidiums des DOSB
- Michaela Engelmeier, MdB a.d., Sportpolitische Sprecherin der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion
- Peter Fischer, Präsident von Eintracht Frankfurt
- Prof. Manfred Lämmer, deutscher Sporthistoriker und emeritierter Professor der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln, maßgeblich engagiert für den deutsch-israelischen Sportaustausch
Overcoming differences – breaking down barriers – Evangelical support for Israel
- Moderation: Luca-Elias Hezel, ReformaZion
- Harald Eckert, 1. Vorsitzender von Christen an der Seite
Israels e.V. - Pastor Stefan Haas, TOS Leipzig
- Maya Zehden, Co-Direktorin ILI – I Like Israel e.V.
- Rabbi Julian-Chaim Soussan –
Workshop in cooperation with Christen an der Seite Israels e.V.
How Germany and Israel are cooperating and overcoming differences on a parliamentary level
- Moderation: Volker Beck, MdB a.D.
- Nachman Shai, MK
- Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, MdB
- Musi Raz, MK
- Dr. Akram Hasson, MK, Druze, President Carmel College
- Michaela Engelmeier, MdB a.D.
Junger Aktivismus für starke deutsch-israelische Beziehungen in Politik und Zivilgesellschaft
Kooperationspartner: Junges Forum der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft
- Moderation: Pola Sarah Nathusius, Journalistin
- Mike Delberg, Jüdische Studierendenunion Deutschland (JSUD)
- Aras-Nathan Keul, Junges Forum der DIG
- Ricarda Lang, Grüne Jugend
- Lucas Schwalbach, Junge Liberale
- Stefan Gruhner, MdL, Junge Union
Israeli German or German Israeli – Voices from “Germans” living in Israel, or vice versa Israelis living in Germany
- Moderation: Maya Zehden, Co-Direktorin ILI – I LIKE ISRAEL e.V., Vizepräsidentin der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft e.V.
- Maj.-Res. Arye Sharuz-Shalicar, Schriftsteller
- Melody Sucharewicz, Beraterin für politische Kommunikation und Strategie
- Eldad Beck, Journalist and Author
- Tamar Morali, Model and Jewish Miss Germany contestant
- Yonatan Shay, Gesandter der Jewish Agency für Israel in Deutschland
- Jonathan Heuberger, Rechtsanwalt
The KRG after the Referendum: In search of a new modus operandi – Learning from Israel
- How to democratize the system in the KRG?
- Reinvigorating the socio-economic and education system
- The status of minorities in the KRG
- Is Kurdish Independence still on the table?
- The KRG’s delicate balancing play between the US and Russia
- How to achieve a UN observer status, membership in international organizations?
- Moderation: Bakir Lashkari, Intellectual Diaspora’s & Kurdistan Israel Lobby Society
- Mohamed Ihsan, professor from Kurdistan University
- Margalit Geva, Former Director of the Gulf States Department MFA
- Lisa Miara, Israeli activist with Yezidis
- Arie Hersin, Former KRG Member of Parliament
The special case of Israel, Jews and Kurds
- Historical ties between Israel, Jews and Kurds
- Can Israel be a role model for the Kurds?
- Israel-Kurdistan: the axis of democracy in a hostile neighbourhood
- Israeli leaders‘ vocal support and its consequences
- The pros and cons of open relations
- The diasporas‘ role in cementing relations
- Moderation: Prof. Ofra Bengio, Tel Aviv University
- Musi Raz, MK
- Roi Dvir, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director Gulf States
- Joël Rubinfeld, President of Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan
- Bakir Lashkari, Intellectual Diaspora’s & Kurdistan Israel Lobby Society
- Mirza Dinnayi, Yezidi Activist & head of Luftbrücke Irak e.V.
The expansion of KIFA strategy as an International Organization
- Bakhteyar Ibrahim, President of KIFA International
Kurdistan: One Nation – many nationalities and backgrounds
- Bakhteyar Ibrahim, President of KIFA International
- Mandi Safadi, President Safadi Center
- Dr. Muhammed Saleh Jumaa, Former Advisor to President Masood Barzani
- Dr. Hussein Saado, PHD, Member of KIFA International
- Kardox Can Kurdo, Vice President of KIFA International
- Dr. Anan Wahabi
In Cooperation with KIFA International e.V.
mit „Speakers Corner: Organisationen stellen sich vor“
All day long:
- Ministry of Strategic Affairs – Digital Conference
- Exhibitions:
- Jerusalem exhibition: 3.000 years of Jews in Jerusalem
- „Die Geschichte Israels“, eine modulare Ausstellung der Botschaft des Staates Israel in 33 Tafeln
- Kosheres Catering & Verkauf israelischer Produkte
- JNF-KKL Tel Aviv Networking-Beach-Lounge with DJ Lev